
Fall 2011

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Wk 2 Response to - Katie Ross (includes original post)

Katie, you already know how I feel about collaboration and a group's ability to remove the box walls (TEAM-together everyone achieves more).......I love our book this month! The Zanders are fabulous picture painters using word windows to show us how we are limiting ourselves and thus stifling creativity! My favorite chapter so far is chapter 4, but each chapter has a wonderful message and relevance to everyday life. I agree that mostly I am positive and looking for the way ahead, but there are those times or events in life that put a cloud over my outlook and push me back a step or two. I try not to let it get much past two steps before I pick myself up and come back fighting! Open mindedness is definitely the key to exploration and creativity, so I agree that we all need to give one another an A. Sometimes the A will fall short and other times it will shine to the A+. Everyone is different, and it is that uniqueness that brings the tools to the collaborating table that can remove any box walls and keep the creativity flowing. I know, that you have also experienced the great teamwork in our cohort over the last 10 months, so you understand my love for collaboration. We are all so much stronger as a team than we are when we stand alone. Thanks for sharing more of your great insights!

TUESDAY, MAY 8, 2012

Wk2 Reading Entry

It is all invented! I have found that as I get older it is very hard to think outside of the box. I think this is because we allow everyday life to get in the way of free thinking. The question is how does one cultivate a place that doesn’t allow the boxed walls to trap them inside the box.  For me and my team at work we regularly have brainstorming activates. Some of the ideas we come up with never leave the room some become new workshops for all the new students. However just having a team of people coming together all building off of each others ideas is enough to keep the boxes of the wall down in my environment….for the most part. I think working in a place that welcomes a collaborative attitude is something that has been invented to help us work on thinking outside of the box.

My thoughts and actions allow me to see the world as a beautiful place! Don’t get me wrong when my thoughts focus in on politics, diet, processed foods, I get sad.  I feel hopeless at times to the things I mentioned above and I can see how it effects my measurement of the world.  I try to use my positive energy and thoughts on seeing those things as issues that will one day change. 

Chapter 3 really hit home for me.  I struggle with not being so harsh on people and myself, and I’ve been looking for ways to help me not be so harsh.  Adapting the “ Give everyone and yourself an A” mentality is a great way to challenge myself to see the A in everyone.  Even to see the A in people who procrastinate, an A in the people who don’t put in as many house as me, an A in the people who gossip or have a negative attitude. Giving an A to myself is a great way to boost my confidence in areas that I lack confidence.  It’s saying that I’ve already done a great job no matter what the outcome is at this point.  Chapter 3 is going to stick with me for a while, I’ve even posted a sticky note at my desk with a big A, to remind myself to give everyone and myself an A.

How will I contribute today is a great question.  I will contribute by smiling at everyone I see.  They say that smiles are contagious so hopefully my smile will brighten someone else’s day today.  

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