
Fall 2011

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Wk 1 Leadership - To Publish or To Present....THAT is the question

Initially when I was thinking about whether to publish or present my Action Research Project, I thought I would choose to publish it.  That was my gut reaction, because I feel more comfortable with my writing skills than my speaking skills.  This is not to say that I am uncomfortable with public speaking.  I can TALK.  However, I get my point across better in my writing.  I believe that is due to the structured process of writing, editing, and re-writing.

I also know that no matter how many times I practice presenting material verbally, I sometimes get off track during the "live" version.  I tend to ad lib when I am passionate about the subject and go off on tangents.  That problem is easily controlled in publishing, because of the non "live" aspect of the written word.

All of that said, ironically I have decided to present my research project.  I don't feel that my research project is scholarly enough for publication, nor that the outcome is what I envisioned in the first few months of EMDT.

Researching the various conferences in Dr. Bedard's list is proving disappointing, because I haven't found one yet that is still accepting applications.  I wonder if this is because of the time of year I am going through months 11 and 12 of EMDT.  Even though the list is noted as a "starting point", I really have no idea where to find a conference to present my project, so once again, Google will be my trusted source to try to find conferences.  Any conference suggestions are greatly appreciated, so feel free to respond to this post.

As month 11 begins, I feel the roller coaster starting up the steep incline of uncertainty.  With 10 months of roller coaster rides behind me in EMDT, I know I am on the track of another month-long exciting ride!  HERE WE GO........

1 comment:

  1. Sorry about the problem of which conferences are accepting applications. You might look at the journals/resources that you used in your lit review to see if the organizations connected with those publications are hosting any conferences. Good luck.
